Monday 21 May 2007

Empty Rates Relief Slashed

The Government began the process of raising money out of misfortune and tenants' agony when it used a Ways and Means process to introduce its Empty Rates Bill on 10th May.

The stated purpose of the Bill is to influence the behaviour of property owners who allow their property to remain empty while they claim relief from property tax (which doesn't mean they actually get any money from the tax man, merely that they don't pay as much as they would while their property is empty!) and to attempt to free up more brownfield sites for development.

The Government expects to raise £900m from this measure every year - presumably this is more likely to be the purpose - and consider the money to be theirs anyway!

Unfortunately the stated aim is reasonably sensible but the 'sledgehammer-to-crack-a-nut' approach is far from sensible.

In Guildford town centre there is a building known as 'The Old Tile Warehouse' on Sydenham Road that has been unoccupied and locked up for at least sixteen years. This is the kind of building that should be targted by the Government.

In practice, however, the properties that will be affected are the small business premises that have become unviable to run and yet are locked in a planning process that precludes their redevelopment, or locked in a lease that prevents them being assigned to other occupiers.

Property tax (National Non-Domestic Rates) are absurdly high in the UK relative to continental Europe. Until now the only saving grace has been that the tax is on USE rather than EXISTENCE.

If you look at Godalming a few years ago, there were many empty shops and no real market for them. These would have been hard hit by this measure. On Guildford Business Park are many thousands of sqaure feet of offices that stand empty awaiting tenants. These buildings would also suffer from the measure.

Our pension funds will be affected by falling commercial property values and why? Because the Government will stop at nothing to interfere in the markets, to raise stealth taxes and to ensure that Europe thrives at our expense.

This is the shape Gordon Brown has brought to the Treasury - what hope UK Plc when he is finally in Number 10?

Sunday 13 May 2007

Election Results

I stood for the first time as an Independent candidate in the recent local elections and took a keen interest in the processes and the outcome.

Although I came seventh of eight candidates in the Onslow ward (in which three councillors were elected), I polled 456 votes, four fewer votes than the new mayor, Mike Nevins who was favoured by 66% of people who voted in the Pirbright Ward. By contrast, a shade over 20% of those people who voted in Onslow would have liked to see me win, of whom 54 voters, given three votes, opted to cast their vote only for me!

This struck me as an interesting anomaly, and (having a little time on my hands as I am not a councillor) I have, therefore, performed some analysis of the results in a light-hearted way but with some serious points.

In Onslow, in addition to me, there were three Conservatives, three LibDems and one Labour candidate. This mix created some interesting dynamics – for example, who would gain the two spare votes from either James Heaphy (Labour) or from me? – and led to some quite partisan campaigning on the part of the LibDems especially whose leaflet drops included the phrase: “a vote for the Labour or Independent Conservative candidates is a wasted vote”.

Whilst James Heaphy and I campaigned on very local issues – yes, I am very concerned about the hospital, the woeful state of the roads and matters of waste collection and recycling, but I also discussed the proposed Cathedral development, the need for a better road link to the town to replace/supplement the Farnham Road, sensible planning for cars and residences in the ongoing University expansion, etc – the two main parties seemed to be saying much the same thing as each other:

“Rubbish collected once a week,
Recycling on the rise;
Council tax kept very low,
The other party lies”

There were 6990 people eligible to vote in Onslow on May 3rd, of whom a significant number was made up from students and nurses. The block registration by the University of campus residents means that a whole polling district (F4 in electoral parlance) of 2,304 voters actually cast 154 votes (a shockingly poor turnout of 6.68% - perhaps because as students they do not pay Council Tax and many do not feel an affinity for the running of the town, however much they may enjoy living here).

There are approximately 706 other University court-resident students in the F2 and F3 polling districts but there is no clear data showing what proportion of these voters actually cast a vote; this was probably made more difficult for them by allocating them to polling stations in Onslow Village, away from their residences and places of study.

On May 3rd 2263 ballot papers were issued (a declared turnout of just 32.37% - not the lowest in the town – that fell to Friary & St Nicholas with a woeful 28.83%!). Adjusting out the F4 figures, the Onslow turnout was a more respectable 48.08%. If we are able to apply the same pro-rated turnout figures to the F2 and F3 student courts, the Onslow turnout would be yet more credible at 51.81%.

Why should the turnout figure be important? Well, put simply, the Royal Surrey County Hospital is in the Onslow ward and we would not wish to send the message to Patricia Hewitt MP that we do not care! We also need the Borough Council to take seriously the impact on local communities of University growth, Cathedral development and the redevelopment of the station on the basis that, in spite of the apparently low turnout, we do care.

Looking at the Borough-wide results – and I would like to congratulate the successful candidates – I note the following:

The newly-elected Councillors between them polled 62,147 votes, of which Conservatives polled 34,094 votes and LibDems 28,053. The percentage of the votes actually received when allocated among the 48 available seats suggests that the Conservatives should have 26 seats to the LibDems 22 seats – serendipitously mirroring the actual result – but did the right candidates win?

If success were based on a ranking of the percentage of vote received relative to the number of ballot papers issued (in other words those voters who actually cast their votes), this would have resulted in only one change:
The balance of the Council would have remained the same and former LibDem Councillors Johnson and Spier (45.53% and 45.34% respectively) would still not have retained their seats.
If, on the other hand, success were based on the percentage of the electorate in their respective wards (all those entitled to vote whether or not they did so) supporting the candidates, there would have been several changes:

The balance of the Council would have been 30 Conservatives to 18 Lib Dems.
On this basis I would have lost to some of the so-called “paper” candidates (those candidates fielded by the main parties to make up the numbers on the ballot papers), highlighting just how difficult it is to get past the party system as an independent candidate!

If, on the other hand, success were based on the total numbers of votes actually received by the candidates (this analysis is clearly flawed as a result of the different sizes of electorate in the various wards) we would have seen the following:

The balance of the Council would have been 25 Conservatives to 23 Lib Dems (probably reflecting the latter’s successes in the larger urban wards – the bottom five candidates who would have been excluded are from smaller, single-seat wards). On this basis, the Conservative Councillors between them would have polled 35,868 relative to the LibDem 31,090 (interestingly, still 26:22 in terms of pro-rated seats).

Adjusting the total-votes analysis above, therefore, by taking the number of votes polled and dividing by the number of seats available in the appropriate ward:

The balance of the Council on this basis would have been 30 Conservatives and 18 LibDems.
This analysis is frivolous and changes nothing. It does, however, highlight for me the relative difficulty in fighting a seat as an Independent candidate. Where there is only one seat available (say, in Pilgrims or Pirbright – an electorate of 1925 or 1954 respectively), the amount of canvassing, leafleting, etc (and, indeed, cost) required is substantially reduced relative to, say, seeking election by the electorate of 6990 or 6999 voting for three seats in Onslow or Stoughton respectively.

This imbalance means that in the larger wards the parties can spread the load across three candidates (an average of 2330 or so each in Onslow or Stoughton), whereas an independent candidate has to cover the whole ward – and without a party machine behind him or her. Small wonder I only managed to canvass about a third of the Onslow ward in the three months from my decision to stand alone. I actually feel very proud of my own personal result – yes, there is a long way to go, but haven’t I come a long way?

There are a few major changes I would request are made before next time:

1) No compulsory registration of University students (many of whom are eligible to vote at home as well) – I am all in favour of them being involved in the democratic process but they should be given an application form and make the decision themselves to enrol on the electoral roll;
2) Provide a listing of candidates to all voters along with the polling cards – postal voters get plenty of time to see the full array of candidates before voting; those who turn up on the day to vote do not;
3) I would welcome a pack to go out to voters from the Council wherein each candidate has a side of A4 to set out who he/she is, what they are standing for and why they deserve the voter’s support. This would have the additional benefit of reducing the need for pile upon pile of party-political waste paper during the campaign.
4) First-time voters should be given clearer instructions about what to expect when they cast their votes – I am sure from my doorstep discussions that many of our younger voters are put off by uncertainty (quite apart from any apathy they may feel towards politics in general!)
This has been a fascinating first-time experience and I have met some great people along the way – I will remember next time to ensure my preparation is longer and, if I can maintain the conversion rate I achieved this time from a third of voters I personally met on the doorstep (excluding students), I may even be successful!

In the meantime, therefore, I am very grateful for the support I received. I also congratulate the other two independent candidates, David Hall (593 votes – 29.00% of the vote in Tillingbourne) and Mandy Worrall (366 votes – 18.63% of the vote in Shalford). I sincerely hope they will try again and that there will be many more independent candidates next time around across the Borough.

Finally, as an aside, and given the analysis of proportional votes above, I overheard the following at the Count at Spectrum on Friday morning 4th May:

A prominent former LibDem councillor noted that a voter had marked his or her ballot sheet 1, 2 and 3 instead of merely placing a cross in the box. On pointing this out to the supervisor, she was heard to say: “There is a type of voting that uses this but I don’t remember what it’s called”. Well, Linda, I can tell you it is often used in forms of proportional representation, championed by your party!

Julian Lyon
Independent Candidate for Onslow Ward

Monday 7 May 2007

Thanks to my supporters

I am very grateful to the 456 people who supported me on May 3rd.

The lead-in was very hectic and I wished I had been able to get around to all of the voters - 7,000 is quite a few to visit and there were simply not enough hours in the days running up to the poll. I also regretted circulating my details too early (it got lost among the pizza delivery leaflets!).

On the day I was disappointed that activists (not candidates) for both Lib Dem and Conservative teams were tearing down my posters and complaining about my attempts to ensure voters knew who I am.

I will keep raising my head above the parapet and intend to ensure the Lib Dem trio remain fully accountable to Onslow.