Monday 19 March 2007

Campaigning at Ratepayers' Cost

I received through the post a leaflet about recycling - this says what a good job the (Conservative) Council is doing and what a good job it will continue to do (assuming the electors vote them back in).

I have very little problem with the content of the document and support good housekeeping in waste management.

I do have a problem, however, when I am trying to contest a local seat as an independent candidate, with leaflets (funded by the residents) that coincide suspiciously with the launch of the election process for May 3rd!


Unknown said...

GBC has published 'Recycling News' on a quarterly basis for over five years, Julian.

It's not an election special, as you suggest.



Just a Thought said...

Mike, I hear what you say and I have SOME sympathy with that approach - the trouble is it reads a little too much like a manifesto on recycling and I'm not quite so comfortable with that.

The Council needs to be careful how it presents 'public information' in the run up to an election and it should not look like propaganda!

Let's agree on one thing, though. It is a great thing that the Conservative Council is doing better than Lib Dem neighbours in Waverley. There is plenty to be proud of - and plenty of work to do going forward. Good luck with that assuming you get elected.