Friday 11 January 2008

Save the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre

On 21st December 2007 Peter Hewitt, Chief Executive of Arts Council England wrote to Anne Milton MP confirming that Arts Council Funding is being withdrawn from the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre in Guildford.

This is an excellent theatre providing drama workshops from a very young age and across the community. It also stages excellent plays across a wide spectrum of genres and periods.

The theatre is restricted in its ability to self-finance because of its size - it probably needs to be about half as big again and to have much more circulation space.

This is another example of the Government and its quangos diverting tax revenues from the South East to feather the nests of other regions.

This decision must be overturned and there is a deadline for submission of objections to the Arts Council of 15th January 2008

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